SAAS lawyers’ practice has a strongly international dimension in terms of both the diversity of its clients and the nature of the cases they handle.
The firm is regularly involved in international litigation, as well as in international projects and transactions.
Our firm is admitted before the DIFC courts in Dubai and licensed as a leagl consultancy in Ras Al Khaimah (United Arab Emirates) .
Thanks to its broad range of multi-jurisdictional legal expertise, the firm is in a position to offer clients services through our International Desks by lawyers with relevant experience and know-how in the jurisdictions covered by these Desks. In addition, our network of overseas correspondents and affiliated offices allows us to deal effectively with every aspect of the cases it takes on. Each Desk and is typically led by one or two Partners who ensure effective coordination and communications with the relevant local partners.
SAAS has currently two International Desks and five affiliated firms & offices.
One of our partners is an associate member of a barrister' chamber in London, UK.
In addition, SAAS lawyers are members of MIDEASTLAW, a network of international lawyers based in Germany, specialised in Arab and Middle Eastern laws.